Pick Your Niche and Target Your Message

It’s common wisdom that all any service professional or consultants needs to be successful is "passion". Let it be known here that passion alone can be overrated. When you’re building a practice, you need more than passion. You need more than a high level of dedication and energy to succeed. You need a plan. A […]

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A tale of three blogs…

Over at Blog Grrll, she tells an amusing tale of three little blogs.  Based on the tale of the three little pigs, the author has done a GREAT job of applying the moral of the original story to her new, modern "piglets".  Basically, the moral to her cautionary tale is the same as the moral […]

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Do you need SEO (Do It Yourself or Otherwise)?

Great post over at Search This on the myths surrounding Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimization. In the post, the author points out how paying professionals to practice their craft is often the smartest investment of time and energy.  For example, I am certainly capable of cooking supper, but often I’ll pick up the phone […]

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The real key to creating marketing magic….

As a "legal bribe" I’ve created an ebook that takes you step by step through the process of creating marketing magic.  It’s a great resource (so I’ve been told) and one that has travelled far and wide.  I’ve recently learned that it’s being offered as a free resource on other sites promoting marketing "magic".  In […]

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Is it time to replace your PC with a Mac?

Dell Warns Customers About Complications From Vista screams the title of a blog post over at Tech Dirt. I’ve been warning MY clients and customers about the "dangers" of Vista before it was launched.  Bill G et. al. are FAMOUS for releasing software before it’s been properly "debugged" and quite honestly, my clients are NOT […]

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Fast Track to Blog/Newsletter Launch

A blog + a newsletter are foundation building blocks for ANY BUSINESS that wants to use the internet to marketing or promote their business. I’ve already written a "primer" on newsletter basics. Once you have your blog launched with a sign up for your newsletter, it’s time to get to work getting people to sign […]

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A Primer on Email Newsletters

This past week I’ve responded to a very similar question from FOUR different clients.  When I get asked ANY question more than once in a 7 day period, well it’s a sign that it’s an issue I need to address on my blog.  Here we go. The issue of newsletter mailing lists is a popular […]

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Is your free blog worth what you paid for it?

I’m a HUGE fan of blogs, especially as powerful marketing tools for bootstrapping entreprenurial types.  The easy to use blog interface removes many of the barriers to web site success.  Business owners can update content easily, add reciprocal links, and even interact with potential clients/customers via the comment feature of blogs.  Blogs, in general, are […]

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Focusing on the RIGHT things….

I once read an interview with the mulit-talented entertainer Will Smith where he was asked  if he were surprised by his success.  His response went along the lines of , "I just put my head down and start running.  On occassion, I look up and am AMAZED at where I am, but I then put […]

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What’s Your Excuse?

During one of the earlier episodes of the television show "Married with Children", the character "Steve" from next door lost his job and was forced to look for another.   Well, Steve decided he liked goofing off MUCH better than he liked working.  However, rather than admitting this fact to his wife Marcy, he instead would […]

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