Is it just me, or is it an EERIE coincidence that while the “social media buzz” was still building from New York Fox News anchor Ernie Anastos’ dropping of the f-bomb – SNL newcomer Jenny Slate just “happens” to drop the f-bomb on live TV?
While Ernie’s “drop” is resulting in catch phrases being born and literally MILLIONS of YouTube views- Jenny’s slip isn’t getting NEAR that level of attention. This “phenomenon” seems to have gotten a brief “buzz hit” on Twitter and Facebook – only to quickly die. Blogs aren’t reporting on this – and it’s barely making traditional media’s radar. In addition, views on the video are in the low six digits – and the “preferred” clip appears to be the abbreviated one with the poorest sound quality. That’s because it’s easier to sift through the poor audio is infinitely better than trying sit through the ENTIRE skit. It’s really, really bad. It’s positively painful.
Notice the difference – Ernie’s f-bomb has added a new phrase to the Urban Dictionary. Jenny’s f-bomb is already heading toward oblivion. She’ll go down in history as the THIRD SNL cast member to drop it – and may set a record for the collective yawn it inspired.
Was this a scripted and desperate bid by SNL to attract viewers? It looks like it.
Unfortunately – this illustrates that it’s impossible to create “viral” without making some kind of connection. The “biker chick” skit was flat and heartless – PERIOD.
It looks like the SNL writers looked around for what was “hot” – read that the FX show “Sons of Anarchy” is hot and tried to parody something they didn’t understand.
While the SNL skit bombed – the FX series continues to thrive – because the creators of SoA give the viewer a glimpse behind the scenes. They “get” that these bikers are human – and have created a show which connects with viewers. The characters are “real” – they’re not flat and heartless. Like the HBO hit – the Sopranos – awful monsters are shown to have a human side as well. The show allows us to watch them live and love just like people we know. However, we then see them kill and maime without missing a beat. Viewers are fascinated by the dichotomy and more tune in each week for a chance to make a connection with these characters.
Maybe if the SNL writers had bothered to watch the first season of that hit show before they tried to parody biker chicks – this skit might have had legs. The dropping of the f-bomb during a well scripted, well performed skit might have created buzz which could have elevated SNL back to the status of “must see TV”.
The moral to the story? No amount of “buzz” will sell an inferior product.
SNL skits are painful to watch more often than they’re amusing – and that’s why people aren’t watching. Flat and lifeless are the norm on SNL and you can’t create buzz when people don’t connect and don’t care.
Before you try to create “buzz” – make sure you’ve made a connection. Your customers will let you know when you’ve connected. Only then is it time to try to create social media buzz….