The REAL reason you should be blogging (instead of having a website that does almost nothing)….
The REAL reason you should be using Twitter….
The REAL reason you should be using [insert name of Social Media application you’ve recently read is the instant path to wealth a riches]…..
It’s not because you want to sell something to someone – though that may be a happy “by product” of your use of social media.
It’s not because you want to “network” and meet important people- though that too may also prove to be yet another happy “by product” of your use of social media.
You most certainly shouldn’t be using social media because everyone else is doing it.
The REAL reason you need to be using [insert social media application of choice] is to establish TRUST with other human beings. An important part of establishing that trust is demonstrating the fact that you’re real.
If you’re blogging – your primary goal should be to connect with your readers and convince them that you’re real. (Lance introduced me to Jamie’s blog where she gets real unplugged. There’s no doubt that Jamie is “real”.)
If you’re “tweeting” – again, your goal should be to connect and convince people that you’re real. An essential part of being real is being curious and engaging in two way conversations.
A natural “by-product” of being real is that you begin to build a relationship with other “real” human beings. That’s why it’s called “SOCIAL” media.
You should be using social media – not sell product – not to increase your profits- but to increase your CONNECTION to reality.
When you try to shortcut the process – when you forget why you’re there -when you add “marketing” to the “social” and forget that marketing is just another way of saying “communication…. that’s when you start to run into problems.
Hi Kathy. I’ve been having a great time on Twitter. It gives me a chance to be more playful than when I’m writing a “serious” post. It’s like going to a networking party… but without the cocktails… wait a minute… (reaching towards the bar), LOL.
Davinas last blog post..How Curious Moments Add Value
Oh… I forgot… thanks for the “curious” link 😉
Davinas last blog post..How Curious Moments Add Value
Hi Kathy – You nail it with this one. When I’m on Twitter I often see others who only promote their own posts, instead of networking with others. I like the networking part of it, plus the fact those I follow lead me to great finds – like this post. I found it on Twitter, but know I would have eventually found it via my RSS feed. Twitter rocks in that sense.
Barbara Swaffords last blog post..What Benefits Does Your Blog Provide?
Hi Kathy,
The more and more I do this, the more I realize just how true this is – what you’re saying here. It’s about connections. True connections, not just surface connections. It’s about developing a trust level with others. And it’s what I completely love about the social web. How it can bring people from far away – together – because of common interests. Great stuff Kathy! And thank you for including me here!
Lances last blog post..Are These My Skinny Jeans?
Davina – anyone who follows you on Twitter KNOWS you’re having a great time! 🙂 It definitely shows!!!
Barbara – Sure – I want to know when you post something new. (I loved it that I was able to discover your 2nd blog thanks to a Tweet you made). But that’s not ALL I should hear from someone I’m following. For a Twitter “newbie” you’re doing QUITE well!
Lance – how in the WORLD could I write about making connections without linking to YOU? 🙂
So true. Just this week I was thinking of all the people I’ve “met” online and communicated with. Sometimes it’s hard to believe I don’t know them in person. The web has provided an interesting experience for me – and I’m really just getting started. Still so much to learn.
I am just thinking that Networking is just like being real. I mean, I am not going on Twitter to talk to people in an industry that is not related to me. I am however trying to connect with others who are like me, and this involves trying to build relationships with them..
Jim Gaudets last blog post..What is Spammers?
Hi Kathy – I’ve added a couple of apps so that I don’t even have to consciously think about self-promotion. When I post, a tweet goes up and if someone likes what I’ve written, they can tweet it at the bottom of the post. The plug-in is called Tweet This.
I’m more about passing along interesting stuff I’ve read or helping get the word out about what others are doing. I love it, and hope to turn people on to what we find interesting!
I saw you were using the “Tweet This” plugin. NICE!!! I’ll have to give it a try here as well!
OK, I’m convinced. You’ll be seeing me out there on Twitter more, Kathy. Thanks for the kick in the X@#$@
Jean Murrays last blog post..Business Hours Setup: It’s a Trial-and-Error Thing
Jean –
If for nothing else, be there to play with me!!!(And watch Davina dance the night away!)
I really like it just for the fun. Not so much to trust other people. Although it is a great way to find out if people are lying to you on facebook.
waldos last blog post..5 Reasons Jury duty is a waste of time.
When I first started my blog, my posts were very introspective. I shared my thoughts and grew with my readers. We visited one another (virtually) and reached out casually via email (sometimes via phone). No business. Just people getting together to share ideas and chat it up.
When you have that kind of relationship with people…it’s a great thing!
Ricardo Buenos last blog post..Social Media is NOT for Everyone!
I really liked this post — thanks! You’re right, just saying “communication” is insufficient and wrong.
If that’s all it is to you, just spend more money on ads rather than all that time. Ads are cheaper than time after all, especially nowadays.
Jason Cohens last blog post..Starting up while employed: Admit it
I can agree that engaging in two way communication is very important when it comes to social media and a web presence. Its truly amazing to see the kinds of explosive growth that social media has had in the past couple years.