When I say “blogs” – many business owners start seeing horrible visions in their mind’s eye. Some see self-obsessed, narcissistic egomaniacs for whom the ultimate goal is fame – or infamy – either one, as long as people remember their name. Others see blogging as a six inch thick chain, locking them to their computer – forced to compose dozens of blog posts daily without the benefit of spell or grammar check.
However, when I talk about blogging for your business, I don”t see the distorted visions most business owners see. What I see when I talk about business blogging is a cost effective, powerful and affordable business building tool.
Most of today’s popular blogging software programs began as CMS – Content Management Software. Their express purpose was to make publishing information to the web quick and easy for those who didn’t want to learn the intricacies of HTML, CSS, FTP and a dozen other alphabet soup web terms which were needed to get your marketing message published to the web not so very long ago.
So when I’m talking about blogging for your business – I’m talking about using software to make it easy to get your marketing message onto the web. When you see an egomaniac who is using the software for shameless self promotion – your thought as a business owner should be, “If that idiot can operate a blog to get his/her message onto the web – I can use a blog to do something useful – like educate my customers via the web.”
While wild visions of colorful – and sometimes offensive characters – may fill your mind’s eye when it comes to business blogging – in reality business blogging is actually best suited for those with an eye to the future. Business blogs do a great job of building authority and authority (authority = trust + power… the power to motivate people to take action.) takes a lot longer to create than a fleeting case of infamy.
Creating a business blog post today takes a certain amount of time – which causes many business owners to join in the battle cry of I don’t have time to blog. However, while your blog posts do take some time to create – they continue to live on your blog for as long as your blog is in existence – and sometimes beyond as it seems the internet never forgets.
Imagine if the radio ad you ran last week could continue to be aired indefinitely – and it only aired when a radio listener announced to the radio that he/she was interested in the products and services your business provides. That’s exactly the way your business blog posts can work to promote your business.
So when you hear the term “blogging for your business” try to erase from your mind visions of reminiscent of an episode of Jerry Springer – and instead view business blogging through a new lens. Business blogging is a way for your business to quickly and easily communicate with prospective customers via the web. The informative blog post you create today will live on to continue working with other blog posts – bringing real customers to your business. That’s the real beauty of business blogging.