The first testicular guard “cup” was used in Hockey in 1874 -the first helmet was used in 1974.
It took 100 years for men to realize that the brain is worth protecting as well.
There’s something that is frequently overlooked in the “rush” to sell people things – something that is important – takes time to nurture and is definitely worth protecting… it’s trust. However, sometimes business owners, in the rush to “make a sale”, overlook the importance of establishing trust.
Establishing trust is the REAL reason why you should be using “social media. Social media tools such as blogs do a great job of building trust with potential customers.
In Persuade Someone in 5 Steps AJ Kumar over at writes…
It doesn’t matter how good of persuasion expert you are, if the person you are trying to convince doesn’t trust you, you won’t sell them on anything.
Trust is tough to win yet easily lost.
In Effective Selling Using Social Media I wrote:
Trust – trust is the foundation of making sales in the new millennium.
Social media is as viral as it is transparent. Just try being less than “authentic” in the realm of social media and you’ll quickly discover how brutal the new social media based web can be.
While it’s never been a “good marketing strategy” to use deception – resorting to deceptive marketing practices in an age of social media is even more detrimental now than ever before in history. Check out my post on Exposing Deceptive Marketing Tactics with Social Media on how social media is becoming a huge “whistle blower” when it comes to uncovering and exposing deceptive marketing tactics both on and off the web.
Relationships and trust are the KEY elements in social media marketing.
If there is any “magic” in social media it lies in the fact that social media builds relationships – and relationships are the foundation for trust.
For a century hockey players did all they could to protect their “family jewels”. It took almost a century before they began trying to protect their second most important asset.
As AJ points out – it’s almost impossible to be persuasive without establishing trust. Since “sales” is just another way of saying “persuaded customers”… then it makes sense for any business interested in achieving healthy sales needs to be equally interested in creating and preserving trust as well.