Business blogging can be great for your business… but only if you’re creating the “right” kind of content.
A “Mommy blogger” has dozens of places from which to draw inspiration for blog posts. A mommy blogger can compose a blog post about the cute things her kid said – or the destructive antics of her dog – or her outrage over what’s happening in the world of politics. But as a business blogger – those kinds of posts usually aren’t very productive unless you can find a way to “weave” them into a compelling and selling story promoting your business.
Your business blog has a job to do – and filling your business blog with “fluffy” stuff usually leads to a business blog that isn’t doing ANYTHING towards increasing sales for your business.
What your business blog needs is plenty of timeless compelling content with a SIDE of “sweet fluffy” posts.
It’s better to NOT create a blog post rather than create a blog post that you’ll regret in the morning – or next year.
I know that this is in STARK contrast to the recommendations of a few business blog experts. There is actually a school of thought which advocates approaching your business blog posts using an approach similar to Triumph the Insult Comic Dog….
I’ve got to admit – I’m puzzled by anyone who advocates actively antagonizing and insulting your target customer as a way to achieve success. It’s a technique that may get you noticed – and it may get you inbound links – but I’ve never seen it lead to increased sales.
Isn’t increased sales the reaosn why you’re spending time blogging for your business?
With that in mind – the following are business blog idea starters for a business owner whose goal for his/her business blog is increased sales.
Business Blog Ideas to Increase Sales
- Look no further than into your email “sent” folder. Your email sent folder is full of answers your current customers/clients are asking – so what better source could there be than digging into those outgoing emails and rewriting them for the general population.
- Your email inbox is another blog idea goldmine.
Once again, there’s nothing better than looking at the questions customers/clients are asking and then providing a public answer on your blog. An added bonus feature to looking to your inbox is you can often find blog post titles which zero in on the terms your target audience is using to find information about your product or service – which is often blissfully free from “industry jargon” and “insider speak”.Inbound phone call logs can provide similar inspiration. - Win friends by lambasting a sleazy compeitor.
I’m assuming you’re not in some rarified niche sand box where everyone plays nicely, no on throws sand and most importantly – no one is currentily performing the marketing equivalent of turning loose a herd of cats into the marketplace sandbox. If one of your competitors isn’t playing fairly – or are making promises they never intend on keeping – you can respond by creating your own version of a”To catch a predator” kind of post.Creating blog posts which serve to educate consumers about questionable tactics employed by your competitors is a great way to build trust and gain credibility with your audience. You may(wisely) decide not to name names – and instead provide a list of questions prospective clients should ask before signing a contract with any one in your industry. If one or two of those questions expose a sleazy tactic being used by a competitor – all the better.
If you decide to name names in this type of blog post- you might want to check with your attorney before you click “publish”.
- Interview a satisfied customer
Nothing sells as well as success… so take a look at your client list and work up a series of questions which help to illustrate why your products/services are the best of the best. Then send this list of questions to your best customers/clients and “interview” them about their experience with your business. People love to read stories about other people who are like themselves – and no story is better for your business than the one your current customers can tell. - Address common misconceptionsWhat’s the biggest misconception held by outsiders about your industry? Set the record straight with your business blog.
- Write a problem solving tutorialPeople have problems – and when your business offers solutions to those problems – then marketing becomes as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Create a business blog post on how your products or services address a common problem for your target audience. This is prime “timeless” content which can keep on gaining strength LONG after you’ve hit the “publish” button.
These are just six ideas on how to create business blog posts which increase sales. Feel free to share your ideas on posts you’ve used to build your business with your blog.